- Preparation for Witnessing
- God through Our Eyes
- The Most Important Words to Remember
- Uncomfortably Comfortable or Comfortably Uncomfortable?
- Crown Him or Crucify Him
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 1
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 1-2
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 2
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 3
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 4
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 5
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 6
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 7 (part 1)
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 7 (part 2)
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 8 (part 1)
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 8 (part 2)
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 8-9
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 9
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 9-10
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 10
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 11 (part 1)
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 11 (part 2)
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 11 (part 3)
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 11 (part 4)
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 11 (part 5)
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 11-12
- Prophecy Class, Daniel 12
- Prophecy Class, Study of Bible, Creation, and Sabbath (part 1)
- The Creation and the Fall
- Why Was the Footwashing Service Instituted?
- The Handwriting of Jesus
- Grace, Love, and Courage
- Father, Forgive Them
- The Gate of God or Confusion (part 2)
- The Perfect Sacrifice
- Complete, but Not Completed
- Your Salvation is Guaranteed in Three Ways
- The Fall and Nature of Sin
- Filled with the Lord
- Divine Appointment
- Judging Love Stories
- Solutions Against Daily Deceptions
- Beautiful Acts for God
- God's Work in Our Hearts
- The Three Angels' Messages
- Who is Able to Stand?
- Investing in Heaven
- Receiving the Love of the Truth
- God's Latest Love Letter to Humanity
- Parallels In Time – Part 2
- The Price of Our Freedom
- Those Who Destroy the Earth
- Impossible to Do, but it Can Be Done
- What Have You Got to Gain?
- Freedom In Christ
- The Master of the Storms
- Parallels in Time
- Protection, Provocation, Promises
- 360 Degree Grace Enables a 180 Degree Turnaround
- Prayer and Fasting
- But That's Not the Whole Story
- In Whom There is No Guile
- Do You Hear the Creator?
- Sometimes We Need the Second Touch of Jesus
- Lights Alive!
- Prophecy Class, Study of Bible, Creation, and Sabbath (part 2)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 1 (part 1)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 1 (part 2)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 1 (part 3, partial recording)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 1 (part 4)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 1 (part 5)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 1 (part 6)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 1 (part 7)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 2 (part 1)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 2 (part 2, partial recording)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 2 (part 3)
- Untraditional
- Lord, Do Your Will in My Life
- Scripture Gems and Ellen White
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 2 (part 4, partial recording)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 2 (part 5)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 2 (part 6)
- Fresh Blessings
- The Nature of Sin
- Strength from Weakness
- The Cross Makes a New You
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 3 (part 1)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 3 (part 2)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 3 (part 3)
- Broken
- Seek If You Dare
- What Church Are You?
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 3 (part 4)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 3-4
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 4
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 4-5
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 5
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 6 (part 1)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 6 (part 2)
- In Partnership with the Lord
- Why a Ministry of Encouragement Matters
- Three Crosses
- Sabbath - Resting in God
- Silent... ...Listen
- Gideon's Army
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 6 (part 3)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 7
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 8
- A Sermon from the Cross
- Goooaaalll!
- A Spiritual Workout
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 8
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 9
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 9-10
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 10
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 11
- Seven Reasons Why Every Christian Should Know Their Spiritual Gift
- The Lord of the Harvest
- Singing with Jesus
- Evangelism 101: Christ’s Method Alone
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 11-12
- In the Spirit and Power of Elijah
- Following Jesus
- The Golden Calf
- Chosen by God
- Living on Jesus Alone
- From the Cradle to the Cross
- Is All Food Good to Eat?
- Joyful Living Contentment
- Amazing Faith
- Will the Lord Find Faith on the Earth?
- Sleepy _____ -- Sleepy Church
- Entering God's Rest
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 12 (part 2)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 12 (part 3)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 12 (part 4)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 13 (part 1)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 13 (part 2)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 13 (part 3)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 13 (part 4)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 13 (part 5)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 14 (part 1)
- Focusing Correctly
- My God Became a Man
- God Knows
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 14 (part 2)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 14 (part 3)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 14 (part 4)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 14 (part 5)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 14 (part 6)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 14 (part 7)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 14 (part 8)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 14-15
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 15 (part 2)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 15 (part 3)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 15-16
- Truth as It Is in Jesus
- Your Spiritual Gifts and the Holy Spirit
- Four Steps to Discipleship
- Witnessing, but Not Weird
- The Sound of God
- Our Inheritance
- His Church on the Hill
- Why Do We Observe the Ordinance of Humility?
- Living for God
- Keys
- Sealed for Freshness
- A Strange Case of Demons and Your Faith
- Peace and Joy Amid Turmoil
- Inheriting the Promised Land
- Face Your Giant with a Shout of Victory
- Waiting Productively for Jesus
- The Lord’s Spiritual House
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 16 (part 2)
- The Passover Lamb
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 16 (part 3)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 16 (part 4)
- The Test of Capernaum
- Changed By Passing By
- Masters of Labor
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 16 (part 5)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 16 (part 6)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 16 (part 7)
- When God is Silent - part 1
- On the Edge of Eternity
- Each One, Reach One
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 16 (part 8)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 16-17
- When God is Silent - part 2
- Having the Assurance of Salvation and Knowing Why
- What Does it Mean to Find God?
- God Examines Our Hearts
- Sold Out to God
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 17 (part 2)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 17 (part 3)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 17 (part 4)
- Finding Faith in the Furnace
- What's So Special About Easter?
- Lost and Found
- Quenching the Spiritual Thirst
- Bearing Your Cross
- What Does it Mean to Believe in God?
- Rainclouds
- God of the Second Chance
- End Time Elijah Parallels
- Did God Count the Cost of Rescuing Us?
- Unpredictable Jesus
- The Investigative Judgement - Part 1
- The Investigative Judgement - Part 2
- The Investigative Judgement - Part 3
- Fervent Prayer
- In The Midst Of Time…
- Real Worship
- What Is Your Passion in Life?
- God's Will 'Always'
- True Christian Test: Are You Really a Christian?
- Let Your Light Shine for the Glory of God
- The Right Attitude to Prayer
- Being Still Before God
- Rightly Dividing the Word of God
- Is There More?
- Dealing with Discouragement
- Rightly Dividing the Word of God, part 2
- Noah, the End Time Evangelist
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 17 (part 5)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 17 (part 6)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 17 (part 7)
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 17-18
- What God Wants Us to Know about Ourselves
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 18
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 4
- Prophecy Class, Ezekiel 1
- Being a True Disciple of Christ
- Ordinary People
- Triumphant in Christ
- A Jew, Inward, or Outward
- Amazing Grace Through an Old Testament Prophet
- God Wants You Back
- Our Hope
- The Joy of Jesus on the Cross
- Christ Within Us
- The Judgement, Events, and Order
- What Will It Take to Make You Happy in 2021?
- How Do I Live as a Christian in a Non-Christian World? - part 1
- How Do I Live as a Christian in a Non-Christian World? - part 2
- Mending the Marriage
- A Water-walking Faith Relationship
- Prophecy Class, Revelation 18 (part 2)
- What is the Meaning Purpose and Point of Life? - Part 2
- The Last Invitation
- Sealed to God's Heart
- Faith vs. Belief; What Does It Mean to Believe in God?
- What is the Meaning Purpose and Point of Life? - Part 1
- The Greatest Defeat
- Celebration at the Tomb
- Holy Spirit - part 2: Reviving Rain
- Holy Spirit - part 1: Changing Places
- Compromise Led to His Demise
- The Call to Victory
- Holy Spirit - part 3: Lying Spirits
- Being Honest Hearted with God
- The God Shaped Brain
- A Pillar, a Picture of Jesus
- War of the Worlds
- Chosen by the Lord
- Friends and Associates
- Born a Chooser
- Of Men and Beasts - Part 1
- Of Men and Beasts - Part 2
- Where Is Your Treasure?
- No Fault
- Salud Para Hoy Un Seminario -- de Salud Gratuito!
- A Response to Trials
- The Gate of God or Confusion (part 1)
- Knowing God is Eternal Life
- Mountain-Moving Prayer
- The Repentance of Jesus
- Fear God?
- Praying Together
- Planted and Cultivated by the Lord
- 11-28-20 Sermon
- He Who Began a Good Work
- The Miracle of Christmas
- Finish Strong
- Distinguishing Marks of the Two Classes of Virgins
- The Church that Heals
- The Mystery of Iniquity
- Thanks Giving
- The Battle Within
- New World Order - Part 2
- New World Order - Part 1
- Declaration of Hope
- Last-Day Events - Part 1
- Sex - Part 1
- Sex - Part 2
- The Spiritual Journey
- Adventist Pioneers
- Your New Name from the Lord
- Born to Restore Life
- The Decision
- Your Body Temple
- Focus on the Divine Family
- Baptized with the Spirit and with Fire
- Last-Day Events - Part 2
- Last-Day Events - Part 3
- The Pattern
- To Worship Or Not to Worship
- The Children Are Heirs of the Lord
- The Voice of the Shepherd
- The Vital Connection
- Trusting God
- Entering Into the Promise
- By Faith . . . We Prosper
- Are You Offended?
- The Mark: Are You Ready?
- Eternal Life Now
- Last-Day Events - Part 4
- Knowing the Shepherd's Voice
- Where Are We Now?
- The Benefits of the Shepherd
- The Anointing
- God's Goal for You
- Sanctuary Part 1: God's Tent
- Your Body Temple
- Jesus Instructs by His Example
- Why So Many Laws?
- The Consequences of Being Blinded by Sin
- Satisfied
- Adventist History, Part 1: Mavericks of the West
- Which Crises Are You Prepared For?
- Healthy Living Cooking Class - Nov. 17, 2022
- What is Karma?
- Listen to Jesus
- Jesus Invites You to the Lord's Supper
- Holiday or Holy Day?
- Worthy is the Lamb!
- My Favorite Gift
- In His Image
- The Beginning and The End
- The Church in the Wilderness -- Part 2: The Celtic Church
- The Hardest Trial
- The Church in the Wilderness – Part 1: Apostolic Origins
- It's Your Choice
- The Amazing Race
- Stay Awake for the Second Coming
- Bread from Heaven
- The Joy of Losing
- A Piece of Peace
- The Rise of the Remnant
- Sanctuary Part 3: Our Advocate
- What More Do You Want?
- Endtime Elijah Parallels
- Chosen Generation
- The Sin of Dan
- The Church in the Wilderness, Part 3: The Church in Asia
- The Means Justify the End
- In the Time of the Judges: Ruth
- Four Points of a View of the Cross
- The Chosen People of God
- Humble Rulers
- Learning to Know How We Are Known By God
- David, Jacob, and Us
- Separation Anxiety
- Miracle Children
- The Scroll: Seven Churches of Revelation
- Everyone Has a Story
- Without Remorse
- Storming the Gates
- Rescued at the Point of Death
- Unrelenting
- To Serve or Be Served
- God Loves You
- A Picture of Jesus
- In the Time of the Judges: The Strongest Man
- God's Abiding Love
- Royalty
- False Pharisee Flags
- Personal Revival
- Possible
- The Priest, the Monk and the Preacher
- This Do in Remembrance of Me
- Sweeten the Bitterness
- The Torch
- The Curse Perceived to Be a Blessing
- The Church of Laodicea
- Divine Appointments
- The Dowry
- Which Church Teaches Bible Truth? – The Bushman’s Story
- A Pastor's Salary?
- Remain in Christ
- Patience! Should We Ask for It or Not?
- Dollar Store
- The Stretch
- Globalization
- Law and Wisdom – Are They Connected?
- Thank You Cards
- The Good, the Bad, and the Ungrateful
- I Raised You
- Thanksgiving – Pagan Holiday or Prophetic Fulfillment?
- "The Birth of Jesus" & "The Second Coming"
- The Rising of the Morning Star
- What's Wrong with Christmas?
- Champions
- In the Days of Noah: Prehistoric Man
- Looking Unto Jesus
- In the Days of Noah: Dinosaurs
- Babel Builders
- In the Days of Noah: The Ice Age
- Living God's Love
- Matthew 24 Part 1: The Fall of Jerusalem
- Taking Your Past to the Altar
- Matthew 24 Part 2: Falling Stars
- The Ultimate Reward...Heaven?
- Matthew 25: Light for the Wise
- The King's Throne
- Two Financially Broke Evangelists
- Who is the Lord? Part 1
- Who Will Be Standing?
- What is the Business of the Church?
- Giving Birth
- Sanctuary of Health – My Testimony
- Who is the Lord? Part 2 - Intimacy
- The Parable of the Great Feast
- Who is the Lord? Part 3 - Who's in Charge?
- The Unholy Trinity Part 1: A Dragon's Tail
- Are You Ready?
- One Through Christ
- Jesus and the Storm
- Mission Impossible
- Do You Really Want to See Jesus?
- Thy Kingdom
- All Things Are Possible with God
- Divine Intersections
- The Unholy Trinity Part 2: Demons and Angels
- Does Jesus Know You?
- Innocent Freedom: God’s Image In Children
- The Master Guide
- Why Do You Obey the Lord?
- Higher Ground
- Heart to Heart with the Lord
- Mission
- Meet My Friend Jesus
- I Know
- The Tale of Two Sauls
- Present Truth
- How Big is God?
- Dangerous Christians
- Hoodwinked